El Service pack impulsa la productividad del partner y del cliente reafirmando el compromiso de Microsoft con la calidad del producto.
La versión inicial de Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009 en Diciembre de 2008 marcó un hito importante en la evolución del producto, introduciendo cambios significativos en la interface del usuario y avances tecnológicos – incluyendo la implementación de la experiencia de usuario basada en roles – manteniendo los valores fundamentales de simplicidad, adaptabilidad y facilidad de uso que caracterizan al producto. Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009 SP1 incluye todas las innovaciones de Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009 y añade nueva funcionalidad que proporciona mejoras de productividad importantes para los clientes y partners, así como ofrece mejoras y optimizaciones que reafirman el compromiso continuo de Microsoft Dynamics con la calidad del producto.Productivity Improvements for Customers:
- Matrix Pages Redesign that allows an enhanced “one-page” design with in-line editing and interactive refresh
- Simplified and enhanced Short-Cuts and Arrow Keys
- Improved “Filter as You Type” with better user productivity and control
- Direct navigation to Next and Previous Record in Cards
- Drill Through to Reports from Reports
- Enhanced Splitter to improve control of page layouts
- Inline Calculation with use of expressions
- Improved Data Entry and keyboarding for lists
- Save View that allows for better tailoring of lists
- Enhanced Progress Indicator for better end-user feedback
- Page Search allowing quick discovery and navigation to infrequently used pages and reports
- Page Enhancements for improved and more intuitive UI style and behavior
- Microsoft Dynamics Online Connect gives access to up-to-date and targeted online information and training material from Role Centers
- Revert Local Personalization
Productivity Improvements for Partners:
- Client Extensibility that allows addition of custom controls to the Role Tailored Client
- “About This Page” that is equivalent to Zoom in the Classic Client
- “About This Report” aligns the existing zoom on reports with “About This Page”
- Improvements to Page Designer including Wizards and “Run Page” functionality
- Improvements to Report Designer
- Improvements in NAV Server administration and maintenance
- Server/AD Configuration Tool that simplifies and assists 3-tier set-up
Additional Quality Improvements Include:
- Implementation of VAT 1:1 relationship with G/L for improved auditing and controlling
- Improved WIP calculation and cost controlling on Jobs and Resource Orders
- Reports including Paging for improved performance when loading large reports
- Web Services including improvements in performance and URL encoding
- NAV Server including improved Scalability and Performance and support for working across multiple time zones
- Update of Local Functionality including 13 features for ensuring regulatory compliance